Course Summary

Dynamics 365 Business Central is an application for companies that have outgrown their entry-level business applications. Growing businesses often outgrow their basic accounting software or legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that are unable to handle increased inventory and transactions, lack integration with other line-of-business systems, and have reporting limitations. Businesses are also challenged with the logistics of providing services that have more scalability, increased mobility, and availability in the cloud. With Business Central, you can manage your financials, automate and secure your supply chain, sell smarter, improve customer service and project performance, and optimize your operations.

Set up Business Central (20–25%)
Create and configure a company
Create a company in the on-premises and cloud-based versions of Business Central

Create a company by using Assisted Setup to copy data from an existing company

Describe the use cases and capabilities of RapidStart Services

Create a configuration worksheet

Create and use a configuration package

Create journal opening balances

Manage security
Create and manage user profiles

Set up a new user and user groups

Create and assign permission sets and permissions

Apply security filters

Set up core functionality
Set up company information

Set up printers for on-premises and cloud-based installations

Set up reports and custom report layouts

Set up and use job queues

Set up email accounts

Set up number series

Set up dimensions
Set up dimensions and dimension values

Set up global dimensions and shortcut dimensions

Set up dimensions to master data

Set up blocking combinations of dimensions and dimension values

Describe the Dimension Correction Tool

Manage approvals by using workflows
Set up native workflows

Set up a notification system

Set up approvals

Configure financials (30–35%)
Set up Finance Management
Configure General Ledger setup

Configure accounting periods

Manage the chart of accounts
Set up G/L Account Card

Create account categories and subcategories

Describe filtering on Chart of Accounts for finance reporting

Set up posting groups
Create specific posting groups including bank, customer, vendor, and inventory posting groups

Create general posting groups

Configure General Posting Setup

Set up journals and bank accounts
Set up bank accounts

Create journal templates

Create batches

Implement recurring journals

Set up accounts payables
Create vendor accounts including payment terms, vendor bank accounts, and related records

Set up payment information for vendors

Configure Purchases & Payables Setup

Set up payment journals

Describe the relationship between vendors, vendor ledger entries, and detailed vendor ledger entries

Set up accounts receivables
Create customer accounts

Configure Sales & Receivables Setup

Set up cash receipt journals

Set up payment registration

Configure customer payment methods

Describe the relationship between customers, customer ledger entries, and detailed customer ledger entries

Consolidate customer and vendor balances

Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%)
Set up inventory
Configure inventory set up

Manage items

Create locations

Describe the relationship between items, item ledger entries, and value entries

Differentiate between costing methods

Configure master data for sales and purchasing
Configure core customer settings including shipping agents, locations, and shipping addresses

Configure core vendor settings including order address, lead time, and locations

Configure pricing and discounts
Manage vendor purchase prices

Manage purchase line and invoice discounts

Manage customer sales prices

Manage sales line and invoice discounts

Perform Business Central operations (25–30%)
Perform basic tasks in Business Central
Differentiate between designing, customizing, and personalizing pages

Customize pages

Apply and save filters

Find documents and related entries

Use the Inspect pages and data feature

Perform data updates by using the Edit in Excel feature

Attach and share files by using OneDrive

Process purchases
Manage quotations

Create a purchase order

Receive items for a purchase order

Describe the over-receipt feature

Undo a receipt

Create a posted invoice from a purchase order

Configure recurring purchase lines

Process sales
Manage quotation

Convert a sales quote into a sales order or sales invoice

Analyze item availability

Ship items for a sales order

Undo shipments

Create a sales invoice from a sales order

Configure recurring sales lines

Process financial documents
Process purchase invoices

Process purchase credit memos

Process sales invoices

Process sales credit memos

Combine sales shipments into a single sales invoice

Combine purchase receipts into a single purchase invoice

Correct a posted purchase invoice

Correct a posted sales invoice

Release and reopen documents

Process prepayment invoices for purchases and sales

Process payments and journals
Process payments by using payment journals

Process receipts by using the cash receipts journal

Create bank deposits

Process payment registrations

Apply ledger entries and undo applied entries

Reverse posted journals

A Dynamics 365 Business Central core functional consultant must have applied knowledge of Business Central and have an understanding of industry terminology, priorities, standards, methodologies, and best practices. The consultant must have applied knowledge of meeting business needs by using Dynamics 365 Business Central, including basic understanding of financial management, sales, purchasing, and inventory. The consultant's knowledge should include a comprehensive understanding of the Business Central application's role in relationship to the Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 suites of applications.

Set up Business Central (20–25%) Configure financials (30–35%) Configure sales and purchasing (15–20%) Perform Business Central operations (25–30%)

Following your booking, a confirmation message will be sent to all participants, ensuring you're well-informed of your successful enrollment. Calendar placeholders will also be dispatched to assist you in scheduling your commitments around the course. Rest assured, all course materials and access to necessary labs or platforms will be provided no later than one week before the course begins, allowing you ample time to prepare and engage fully with the learning experience ahead.

Our comprehensive training package includes all the necessary materials and resources to facilitate a full learning experience. Enrollees will be provided with detailed course content, encompassing a wide array of topics to ensure a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, participants will receive a certificate of completion to recognize their dedication and hard work. It's important to note that while the course fee covers all training materials and experiences, the examination fee for certification is not included but can be purchased separately.

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